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Monday, 21 March 2016

Anger: A Gift from God

Anger: A Gift from God!

Most people think anger is demonic and nothing good/righteous comes from anger; but The Bible teaches contrary to the above statement.
Anger is actually a gift from God to us humans. It is a very strong weapon against our adversary the devil. Take a look at this verse of scripture;
            "be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil" (Eph. 4: 26-27)

Look at that verse carefully, it starts with "be ye angry…"; it’s a command; it says: "be ye angry" and then it adds "…and sin not". Generally, this verse has been misunderstood and misused among Christians and it has been understood and used as: "God knows you're human, so go on and get angry and it's not sin if you confess it every day before going to bed" or for some people: "a little bit of anger is ok but not in excess". People of God, that’s not what this verse is saying. This verse is saying you should get angry with the anger that is not sin. There is an anger that is not sin. Most people think anger is of the devil; but the devil does not create anything; he can only pervert what has been created by the creator. God made everyone of us with the ability to get angry and He is telling us here to get angry with the holy anger.
We all know Jesus Christ was and is the Son of God and that He was/is without sin yet the Bible said in Jn. 2: 13 - 17
            "And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, 14.)  And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: 15.) And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; 16.) And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. 17.) And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up."

Brethren, Jesus was angry; He was angered to the point that He had to make a whip("a scourge of small cords"). He totally lost it that even the temple guards could not stop Him. His disciples and all others could only stand and stare. And yet, Jesus was (and is still) without sin.
The second part of Eph. 4: 26 continues "let not the sun go down upon your wrath" this sentence is not telling you to confess your anger every night before going to bed; it is actually telling you to not let your anger subside. Stir yourself up and don’t let your anger vanish.

That’s hard for many people to accept. But look up this expression "THE SUN GOING DOWN ON SOMETHING" and you'll understand that if the sun goes down on something, that thing vanishes. If the sun goes down on your anger, your ANGER VANISHES. And now, The Word of God is telling you not to let your anger 'vanish' Stir yourself up and "…neither give place to the devil".
If you are not operating in anger, you're not operating in the way God made you to be and you will be giving place to the devil because that verse(27) tells you that if you let your anger subside, you are giving place to the devil. Your anger is a strong weapon against the devil and his vices.

I know a minister who shared a testimony of when he was so broke he couldn’t afford to eat, his rent was late and he had a lot of bills to settle. He confessed his riches in Christ "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Phil. 4: 19, he believed God for his supplies and it just seems like nothing was working. Then a day came that he went into the church to pray; and as he prayed for some minutes, he became so "ANGRY" and shouted at the devil (because he realised God supplies the need but the devil, one way or the other, was stopping him from receiving what God has supplied) and screamed as if he was talking to a physical being. He said in his testimony; "if the devil was a physical being, I would have done him some damage". Then, he said, "I knew that our problems were solved and before I could get home to tell my wife that our problem was solved, she told me that some guy called in and asked how he could send them money". Praise The Lord!

Yes! You can start getting mad at the devil and stop him from working in your life. You can and should hate sickness, poverty, disease and everything that comes from the devil. As a matter of fact, you can't love God without hating what comes from the devil. If u really love your wife, you can kill anybody who tries to attack her. Not because you hate the other person but because you must protect what/who you love.
            "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate."(Prov. 8: 13)
            "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force."(Matt. 11: 12)

To [love] The Lord is to hate evil.

Nevertheless, anger may be demonic/sinful depending on what you are angry at or why you are angry.
Let's take a look at Prov. 13: 10;
            "Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom."

Again, there is a Godly contention. But this verse is talking about the ungodly anger.

Now most people don't believe that this is in the Bible. But that’s scripture and is very true. It says "ONLY by pride…" it doesn’t say "for some people…", neither does it say "for people of some race…", "…colour…", "…tongue…" and so on. It's amazing the scripture says "ONLY…". That means; the only reason why you're always angry is because you're prideful. Some people will say "that's not true" or "that’s true for some people but not for me". Well, I think you're just trying to justify yourself. Or maybe you don’t know better.

Most people think pride is arrogance, and it is pride; but it is only one manifestation of pride. Can you guess the other manifestation of pride? You'll be shocked to know that 'shyness' or 'timidity' is another manifestation of pride. We have to define pride the way the Bible defines it: pride, in its simplest term, is "self-centredness". Pride is just thinking only about one's self; it doesn’t matter if self thinks it's better than everybody else or self thinks it's worse than every other person; it's all self-centredness - Always "me, me, mine, mine, I, I" always wanting to satisfy itself. Wanting to be pleased by all. And that's why you're always angry.

How do you feel when you are driving and the person in front of you just suddenly pulls over or just turns left/right and forgets to turn on the navigator light? You go mad most of the time right? That's because you think you are at the centre of the world and the whole world revolves around you. Beloved, there is only one God, and you are not Him. Everybody can't be pleasing you! You are not at the centre of the universe! Now how will you feel if God opens your eyes and you were able to see the heart of that person and, maybe, he is just coming from the hospital where his wife and kids are lying due to car accident or he just lost his wife and because of that his mind wasn’t really in the driving so he forgot to turn on the navigation light before pulling over/turning to another direction? I believe you will feel compassion.

My point is, if you know the reason people do the negative things they do, you wouldn’t always get upset with them. If you think about others more than you do yourself, you will never be angry with anybody. We have only one enemy - the devil. Knowing this helps us understand that people are manipulated by the devil and so our anger and hatred will directed towards the devil and not to our fellow humans. A lot of times Christians are angry and develop hatred for the unbelievers for their way of life and rejection of redemption. You have to understand this, there is nobody who understands redemption that will reject it. If they don’t believe, it's because they don’t understand. We are actually supposed to mourn for their sakes because they are perishing and the bible refers to them as "as them who the god of this age has blinded".

You really have to stop hating and getting mad at people. Develop your hatred and anger against the devil and his vices - that’s the reason God gave us the ability to hate and to be angry. By that, the devil will always flee from you. Hate sickness and he won't put it on you. Hate depression, with all your heart, and I can guarantee you'll never have to battle with it anymore.

Be Blessed!


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