Welcome To Christ Lovers Hub


Welcome to Christ Lovers Hub

This is the Home where the true love of Jesus Christ is shared, its also a gathering and fellowship of true Friends, Sons and Daughters of Christ sharing a common vision together

Do You Have a story to share

Don't be ashamed of sharing that experience with Us, as we are poised to impact Lives through experience of individuals and help other members avoid such mistakes in Life.

Feel Free It's The Believers' Blog

We Respect every individual who make ue of this blog, therefore we put everything into place to make sure we don't infridge into your right or offend anyone in anyway.

Lets Be A Blessing

Thankyou For visiting our Blog today, we pray that as you surf through, that there would be a word, quote or anything tht will add a new meaning to your Life today, Amen.

Our Purpose is To Preach Christ

His Love and Grace are so numerous that we have no other choice but to keep sharing Our experience of Him with others who identify with our blog.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Cancer is not for you!


Are you genetically exposed to cancer? Do you always feel the signs or symptoms? Does it scare you? Or are you experiencing it already? Then, this is for you;
First, you need to know that Jesus nailed cancer to the cross years back. He has taken away every of our infirmities, so the question should be:
-what is cancer doing in my body, if you're experiencing it now or why would I ever have or face it? Friends, God's utmost wish is that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers. It's His wish for you and He has given you Jesus to make sure that wish comes to pass in your life. Cancer and all afflictions is of the devil, it's not God's wish for you. All you need do is to believe and to stand strong on the promises of God for you as His child.
By the stripes of Jesus, you're healed sweetheart, so if you're afflicted by cancer or any affliction, by now you should be very angry and upset at it, knowing it's of the devil and that Jesus has taken it away.
So, stand up today in holy anger and command this enemy out of your body and don't be afraid or doubtful, for in Jesus, you have authority and dominion.
Lastly, learn to live in obedience and according to the will of God because when you're not, you open up yourself to the devil.
God loves you more than you can ever imagine, he loves you despite all odds, so just accept his love and live a happy and fulfilled life...Shalom.

Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day 

Romans 8:5

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit...KJV

Friday, 26 February 2016

Verse of the Day! Meditate!!

Verse of the Day

Proverbs 23:7a;

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...KJV 

Learn to think positively because you're what you think. Your thoughts are powerful, so mind what you think or imagine. Cast down every negative imagination, build up your thoughts with the word of God. The devil delights in infusing negative thoughts in our minds but don't ever accept them. They will definitely come on daily basis but it's your choice to accept them or to cast them down by the word of God. 
When the devil comes with thoughts of failure, poverty, sickness, mishaps, etc, don't accept them because you'll just end up worrying and anxious. 

Remember, the bible says in Philippians 4:8; Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if they be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

This tells you how you should think and how important the way you think is. Don't think about issues or circumstances but think on what the word of God is saying about that issue.
Think positive, Imagine right, Live stress free...Shalom!

Worship our big God with these names

Just call these names, Don't stop!

1. Wonderful
2. Counsellor
3. Prince of Peace
4. Eternal Rock of Ages
5. King of Glory
6. Mighty God
7. King of kings
8. Lord of lords
9. Lord of hosts
10. Lilly of the valley
11. Healer
12. Deliverer
13. Provider
14. Creator
15. Potter
16. Day Star
17. Cornerstone
18. Prophet of prophets
19. Saviour
21. Wisdom of God
22. Head of the church
23. Governor
24. Righteous Judge
25. Protector
26. Rock of Ages
27. Shield
28. Uncreated creator
29. Gracious God
30.  Faithful God
31. Giver
32. Victorious in Holiness
33. Consuming Fire
34. El Elyon
35. Jehovah Rapha 
36. Jehovah Jireh
37. Jehovah Elgibor
38. Jehovah Shamah
39. Jehovah Shalom
40. Way maker
41. Promise keeper

42. Defender
43. Redeemer
44. Comforter
45. Trinity in Council
46. Instructor
47. Teacher
48. Inspirer
49. Reminder
50. Invisible God
51. Hope of Glory
52. Lion of Judah
53. Root of Jesse
54. Man of war
55. Lamb of God
56. Sustainer
57. Convincer
58. Light of the world
59. Restorer
60. Silencer
61. Stiller of storms
62. Proclaimer
63. Father of the fatherless
64. Husband of the widow
65. Smith of heaven
66. The Way
67. The Truth
68. The Life
69. Bread of life
70. Bread Winner
71. Champion of champions
72. Winner of winners
73. Composer
74. Author
75. Finisher
76. Glorious in Holiness
77. Fearful in praises
78. Sleepless God
79. Ancient of days
80. Ageless God
81. Eternal God
82. Excellent God
83. Powerful God
84. Leader of leaders
85. Chief Inventor
86. Convener
87. Compassionate God
88. Commander-in-Chief of heavenly host
89. Worthy King
90. Overseer
91. Moulder
92. Shaper
93. Breaker
94. Praiseworthy God
95. Helper
96. Richer than the richest
97. Older than the oldest
98. Trustworthy God
99. Arranger
100. Master Builder
101. Master Planner
102. Master Minder
103. Arrester
104. Relentless God
105. Voice of hope
106. Beautiful God
107. Alpha and Omega
108.Game Changer
109. Our Refuge
110. Our fortress
111. Our Buckler
112. Our Banner
113. Strong Tower
114. Unchanging changer
115. Rose of Sharon
116. All in All
117. Pillar of our lives
118. The First Born
119. Lamb that was slain
120. The Glory & lifter of our heads
121. The word of God
122. Our Advocate
123. Our High Priest
124. Bishop of our souls
125. High and Lofty one
126. Almighty
127. Our Best Friend
128. On time God
129  Lion of Judah
130  Omnipotent
131. Omnipresent
132  Omniscient
133. Merciful God
134. The beginning & the end
135   Living water
136   Unquenchable  fire
137. Awesome God
138  Baba
139  Battle stopper
140  Unquestionable  God.
141 Jehova sikenu,
142 Mighty one in battle.
143 Rain maker
144 Love
145 Mighty man of valour.
146 Miracle worker.
147 Rock of ages.
148 Merciful God.
149 Advocate.
150 Always doing wonders.
151 Amen and Hallelujah.
152 Answer to prayers.
153 Intercessor.
154 Interceptor.
155 Balm of Gilead
There is no one like him. To Him Be The Glory Forever Amen. You can add yours in the comment box. Share with Friends!

Listen to the Spirit of God!


Do you want to draw close to Me?  Do you want to experience My great love for you?  I want you to come to Me so that I can heal you, so I can bless you.  Do not resist the call of My Holy Spirit.  He is a gentleman and He will not go where He is not desired.  Do not grieve Him.  Do not resist His call in your life to worship Me in spirit and in truth.

There is so much for you to know about Me.  We have an eternity in which to do this, and we are in that eternity right now.  We do not have to wait for some unknown time in the future to share our love together, to walk in close communion.  I have come to set My people free to worship Me - now.  When you accepted My Son as your Lord and Savior, you entered into an eternal relationship with Me. We are in this together for the long haul.  Now and Later!  Enjoy My presence.  Rejoice in My love - now!  Seek Me - you will find Me!

Seek Me with all of your heart.  Put Me first, above personal preferences, above religious backgrounds.  As you draw closer to Me, I will reveal to you what you are to do to bring others to Me.  If I am not first, then your labors are in vain.  They are but religious activities.  Seek Me first and My kingdom.  I want My kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.  On a daily basis, I will meet all of your needs.  I am speaking to you as My body, My beloved.  I want to set you free of religious bondage.  You all carry it and I desire to remove it.  But you have to let Me do it.  You cannot do it on your own.  Bring it to Me, confess it to Me so that I can bring the needed healing into your hearts.


To all Christ Lovers across the globe, have a good night rest and always remember God loves you abundantly. Rest well, worry less, trust God more and rely on him helplessly. 

Thursday, 25 February 2016


Quote of the day;

God will not demand you to love other people more than He loves you...Andrew Wommack

JOHN 13:34

Verse of the Day 

John 13:34;

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other...NLT

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Meditate on this today!

Verse of the Day 

Psalms 34:4-5

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


Verse of the Day

James 1:2 
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds...NIV 


Hello friends,
I sincerely apologise for my absence all these while. My excuses ain't excusable, if there's anything like that. I'm sorry, I haven't always been available but that's about to change now cos this gospel must be preached. And we must enjoy our lives as Christians because all that pertains to life and godliness has been given to us by God.
Every true Christ lover is known for forgiveness and a cheerful heart, so please forgive me.
Making this place look better, lovely, homely and welcoming is in progress, so expect it.
I love you all and I hope i've been forgiven *winks*
Thank you friends for being here, your patience and understanding. God bless you all. Shalom!