Are you genetically exposed to cancer? Do you always feel the signs or symptoms? Does it scare you? Or are you experiencing it already? Then, this is for you;First, you need to know that Jesus nailed cancer to the cross years back. He has taken away every of our infirmities, so the question should be:
-what is cancer doing in my body, if you're experiencing it now or why would I ever have or face it? Friends, God's utmost wish is that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers. It's His wish for you and He has given you Jesus to make sure that wish comes to pass in your life. Cancer and all afflictions is of the devil, it's not God's wish for you. All you need do is to believe and to stand strong on the promises of God for you as His child.
By the stripes of Jesus, you're healed sweetheart, so if you're afflicted by cancer or any affliction, by now you should be very angry and upset at it, knowing it's of the devil and that Jesus has taken it away.
So, stand up today in holy anger and command this enemy out of your body and don't be afraid or doubtful, for in Jesus, you have authority and dominion.
Lastly, learn to live in obedience and according to the will of God because when you're not, you open up yourself to the devil.
God loves you more than you can ever imagine, he loves you despite all odds, so just accept his love and live a happy and fulfilled life...Shalom.