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Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Have You Ever Wondered Why You Were Created?!

As a young boy in secondary/high school, I looked at life, people and basically my family. People(adults) wake up in the morning and go out to their work places, they come home at evening and rest preparing for the next day. They go out in the morning and come home in the evening everyday just to put food on the table, live in a good environment and be clothed. Students also wake up in the morning, run to school, come back home at dusk hoping that after schooling, they will have a decent job/endeavour and comfortably provide for their families. So, I wondered why life is existing since we all labour to eat and live. We live to keep working. Here's the funny part - we know everything is vanity. We all know we will die someday and all our endeavours will JUST PERISH.

So I wondered: why on earth did God create man? To come and try to survive? That wouldn’t be fair. But, I thought to myself, He is always seated in heaven looking down to the earth, watching us struggle and even expects us to keep all His commandments while struggling so we don’t go to hell. I thought these things in my heart for months and months.

But studying God's word and listening to teachers of the Word of God has helped me understand a lot. Many people say: "God has a purpose for giving you life. He wants you to do something for Him while you are on earth. He wants you to achieve the goal He has set for you and impact peoples' lives positively". And they are very correct. Many people come to God to get their needs met. And God wants to meet your needs. As a matter of fact He "…hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness…" (II Pet. 1: 3).

But brethren, God has not created you to get your needs met. There is no point in creating a problem only so you can solve it. He sure wants to meet your needs but that's not why He gave you life. He wants you to impact the world, achieve His set goal and work in accordance with His word, but that's not His primary reason for creating you. You could not have had any world to impact if He had not made one. Take a look at Adam and Eve. Why did God create them? I believe God did not create Adam and Eve to meet their needs, yes, He wanted them to do things for Him - He wanted them to dress and keep the garden, to bring order and control to His creation in entirety. But that is not His primary purpose for creating them. If they were created just to work in the garden, God would not have had to visit them at the cool of the day.

I bet you are already asking, "Why then did God Create Man?" That's the purpose of this write-up - to answer that question.

            "The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: FOR THOU HAST CREATED ALL THINGS, AND FOR THY PLEASURE THEY ARE AND WERE CREATED." (Rev. 4: 10 - 11)

Stop! Read that verse again, consider the words in capital letters, think deeply(meditate) on that.

Can you believe this? GOD MADE YOU JUST FOR HIS PLEASURE? Yeah! He did. I really wish this is sinking into your spirit.

No wonder David exclaimed:

            "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…" (Ps. 139: 14)

Look! You are not a junk! You aren’t useless! God loves you and just wants to take pleasure in you not because you are lovely; but that is the reason he made you - to fellowship with you. You really need to understand this. God didn’t call you because of what you will do for Him; You are already doing something great for Him in just letting Him love you. God is by your side every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year! He never leaves you! He never will! He just wants you to know He loves you so much and just wants you to love Him back. Please, take your time to fellowship with God. Understand that He's with you always and wants you to attend to Him. He wants to commune with you when you're driving; when you're walking down the street; when you're eating! He is closer to you than your wife is; than your kids are; than your parents, your siblings, and your friends; He is closer to you than they all are. Don’t ignore Him. Allow Him commune with you because you are worthy to commune with Him.

That's the reason Jesus had to die and pay for your sins. The bible (in the 'law and the prophets') teaches that sin is the barrier between God and man. Habakkuk says:

            "Thou[God] art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity:…"(Hab. 1: 13)

But thank God Jesus died and removed that barrier and man can now enjoy fellowship with God again.

What a blessing!

Praise God! Hallelujah!!!


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