First of
all let me say this: Doctrines are never to be built on personal
experiences. No matter the vision or the person, doctrine must be built
on the word of God. Paul said ‘all scripture… is profitable for
doctrine’ (2 Tim 3:16). The following verses of Paul are also
instructions to bear in mind.
“But even though we, or an angel
from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we
have preached to you, let him be accursed.” Gal 1:8-9
“Don't be so
easily shaken or alarmed by those who say that the day of the Lord has
already begun. Don't believe them, even if they claim to have had a
spiritual vision, a revelation, or a letter supposedly from us.” 2 Thess
2:2-3 NLT
Visions can only confirm what is written in the word of
God. Anyone may have a vision, but it must align with the written word
of God for us to even consider acting upon it. At least, it should not
disagree with the word of God. I don’t care who the people are; in fact
the Lord Jesus told us that it is not really necessary to send
messengers from heaven or hell to people on the earth because there are
enough preachers and scriptures around to help people believe if they
are willing to believe (Luk 16:31). What I hear of these recent accounts
of visits to hell disagree with the word of God.
Next I wish to show how God judges people.
Whenever God wants to judge, He looks at the heart.
“…for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Sam 16:7-8
“But I, God, search the heart, and examine the mind.
“I get to the heart of the human.
“I get to the root of things.
“I treat them as they really are,
“not as they pretend to be.” Jer 17:10 THE MESSAGE
anyone tells you that God judges and sends people to hell because of
their clothes, jewellery and make-up, then the fellow is not talking
about the God of the Bible, the Father of our Lord Jesus. Listen, God
will NEVER send any person, man or woman, to hell because of their
outward appearance. God judges people for having a heart of disobedience
toward Him and for the heart of wickedness in relating with their
fellow human beings.
You will not find even one place in the whole
Bible, especially in the words of Jesus, where people were sent into
damnation because of what they wore or the jewellery they used.
Anointing of faces (creams and make-up) is not a new thing; it was
practiced in the days of Jesus, Paul and Peter and they NEVER said it is
a reason why God sends anyone into damnation. When Peter spoke in 1 Pet
3, he was saying true Christian beauty is not about external appearance
but the inward quality of a godly heart; it was not a ban on dressing
of hair.
Christians are supposed to dress decently and
modestly. We are to look good but not ‘sexy’ or expose parts of our body
so as to seduce people (some parts of the body are called private for
good reasons). The Bible talked about the attire of a harlot (Prov 7:10)
and a good Christian woman will avoid such. Once you don’t have ‘sexy’
in your heart, trying to show us your body or vainly displaying your
wealth, then augmenting your face, using jewellery are not at all
against modest dressing (Ez 16:10-14). The virtuous woman was described
as being very well dressed (Prov 31:22). Again let me state – the most
important dressing for a woman, and anyone for that matter, is a fine
character (Prov 31:30). I am emphasizing however that it is not against
the will of God for a woman to be adorned externally. Decency and
modesty are the watch words of Christians. God never said women should
not wear jewellery and therefore will not send them to hell for it.
Whoever said God told her He sent people to hell for wearing weave-on or
jewellery saw a God that is not the one of the Bible.
What many
people now practice is a form of self-righteousness; they are trying to
get a feeling of righteousness by punishing themselves in a manner not
commanded by the Lord. But Paul warns thus:
“Don't let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial… saying they have had visions about these things.” Col 2:18 NLT
getting to the real substance, let us briefly see things that are
stated clearly as reasons God may send someone into eternal damnation.
for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and
immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part
will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the
second death." Rev 21:8
Please notice that no one was
put in there for the kind of clothes and jewellery they wore or the kind
of hairstyles they had. The sins are sins of the heart which manifests
in evil deeds. I noticed that those people who are claiming they went to
hell did not identify these kinds of people listed in the verse above
there but were seeing mundane things like clothing and cosmetics.
Recollect the young lady my wife told me about which I mentioned
earlier; I told my wife to tell her that it is okay to change her looks
the way she did (it’s a free world, isn’t it?), but that she should
realize that she will go to hell faster if she harbours any evil
thoughts about anyone, borrows without repaying, is envious of anyone or
goes to bed with a man she is not married to. Those are the ‘weightier
matters of the law!’
...To Be Continued
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